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Worlds apart

par Cock Robin
No such thing, I´m sure you´ve mistaken me
If I´m your man, then give a last embrace
Wish me well or help me solve this mystery
I´ve taken my fill and packed it all into one suitcase
Any other life
Any other way

Don´t you worry about me
Or try to change how things are
You´ve got to believe
That we´re just worlds apart

Can´t talk now, and silence is too much to bear
No great loss, but everything to gain
Here´s your home, I can lay down anywhere
As time goes on, it seems like a fair exchange
Any other life
Any other way

Don´t you worry about me
Or try to change how things are
You´ve got to believe
That we´re just worlds apart

Don´t you worry about me
It´s all gone much too far
You´ve got to believe
That we´re just worlds apart.
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