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by Nirvana
And if you save yourself
You will make him happy

He´ll keep you in a jar
And you´ll think you´re happy
He´ll give you breathing holes
And you´ll think you´re happy
He´ll cover you with grass
And you´ll think you´re happy

You´re really in a laundry room (x2)
Conclusion came to you

And if you cut yourself
You will think you´re happy
He´ll keep you in a jar
And you´ll make him happy
He´ll give you breather holes
And you´ll think you´re happy
He´ll cover you with grass
And you´ll think you´re happy

You´re really in a laundry room (x2)
Conclusion came to you

And if you fool yourself
You will make him happy
He´ll keep you in a jar
And you´ll think you´re happy
He´ll give you breather holes
And you will seem happy
You´ll wallow in your shit
And you´ll think you´re happy

You´re really in a laundry room (x3)
Conclusion came to you

VRAIES paroles de la chanson qui figure dans le cd n°3 de CD With the lights out.
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