Soon go
par Frightened Rabbit
There´s someone on top of you fucking
Chuck me or I´m stuck here
Every sixth month it seems
My mind goes over matter...[?]
I´ll soon go
I´ll be lost in the thoughts of tomorrow
And my warm heart, it will soon go home
And I won´t be cold
I´ll soon go
You admit, you admit
It´s worse this way, it´s worse with me
Work with my shit
Would you rather work elsewhere
You´ll soon go
You´ll be lost in the clutch of tomorrow
Your warm heart will have long grown cold
You won´t be old
You´ll soon go
I check for a death beneath my bed at night
I´m not scared of dying
I´m afraid I´ve lost my life
Soon go
We´re still lost in the thoughts of tomorrow
No warm heart will soon go home
So I think, therefore
We´ll soon go
Chuck me or I´m stuck here
Every sixth month it seems
My mind goes over matter...[?]
I´ll soon go
I´ll be lost in the thoughts of tomorrow
And my warm heart, it will soon go home
And I won´t be cold
I´ll soon go
You admit, you admit
It´s worse this way, it´s worse with me
Work with my shit
Would you rather work elsewhere
You´ll soon go
You´ll be lost in the clutch of tomorrow
Your warm heart will have long grown cold
You won´t be old
You´ll soon go
I check for a death beneath my bed at night
I´m not scared of dying
I´m afraid I´ve lost my life
Soon go
We´re still lost in the thoughts of tomorrow
No warm heart will soon go home
So I think, therefore
We´ll soon go