Émilie Simon
- Alicia
- All is white
- Annie
- Antartic
- Attack of the killer birds
- Aurora australis
- Baby penguins
- Ballad of the big machine
- Blue light
- Chanson de toile
- Chinatown
- Closer
- Dame de lotus
- Dernier lit
- Désert
- Dreamland
- En cendres
- Femme fatale
- Fleur de saison
- Flower
- Flowers
- Fools like us
- Footprints in the snow
- Frozen world
- Graines d'étoiles
- Holy pool of memories
- I call it love
- I wanna be your dog
- Ice girl
- Il pleut
- In the lake
- Je n'veux pas rester sage
- La vie en rose
- Le vieil amant
- Lise
- Menteur
- Mon chevalier
- Mother's pain
- My old friend
- Never fall in love
- Nothing to do with you
- Opium
- Papillon
- Rainbow
- Rocket to the moon
- Rose hybride de thé
- Secret
- Solène
- Something more
- Song of the sea
- Song of the storm
- Sweet blossom
- Swimming
- The cycle
- The devil at my door
- The egg
- The frozen world
- The sea leopard
- The voyage
- The way i see you
- This is your world
- To the dancers in the rain
- To the dancers on the ice
- Vu d'ici