- Agony is my name
- Beyond the gates of infinity
- Bloody red dungeons
- Dar-kunor
- Dargor, shadowlord of the black mountain
- Dark reign of fire
- Dawn of victory
- Deadly omen
- Dragonland's rivers
- Echoes of tragedy
- Elgard's green valleys
- Elnor's magic valley
- Emerald sword
- Epicus furor
- Erian's mystical rhymes
- Eternal glory
- Flames of revenge
- Forest of unicorns
- Gargoyles, angels of darkness
- Guardiani del destino
- Guardians of destiny
- Heart of the darklands
- Heroes of the lost valley
- Holy thunderforce
- Il canto del vento
- In tenebris
- Ira tenax
- Knightrider of doom
- Lamento eroico
- Land of immortals
- Legendary tales
- Lord of the thunder
- Lost in cold dreams
- Lux triumphans
- Never forgotten heroes
- Nightfall of the grey mountains
- Non ho sonno
- Old age of wonders
- Queen of the dark horizons
- Rage of the winter
- Rain of a thousand flames
- Reign of terror
- Riding the winds of eternity
- Rise from the sea of flames
- Sacred power of raging winds
- Shadows of death
- Silent dream
- Son of pain
- Steelgods of the last apocalypse
- Symphony of enchanted lands
- Tears of a dying angel
- The bloody rage of the titans
- The dark secret
- The dark tower of abyss
- The last angels' call
- The last winged unicorn
- The magic of the wizard's dream
- The march of the swordmaster
- The mighty ride of the firelord
- The mystic prophecy of the demonknight
- The myth of the holy sword
- The poem's evil page
- The power of the dragonflame
- The pride of the tyrant
- The village of dwarves
- The wizard's last rhymes
- Thunder's mighty roar
- Triumph for my magic steel
- Triumph or agony
- Trolls in the dark
- Unholy warcry
- Virgin skies
- Warrior of ice
- When demons awake
- Wings of destiny
- Wisdom of the kings